Selected Topics in Greek Literature DD 2/I

Selected Topics in Greek Literature DD 2/I

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 15

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 3

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Senegačnik Branko

Two-year (four-semester) cycle for students of the first three years.
Lectures on a selected topic are supplemented by individual work (general survery of Greek literature). Each semester course is composed of a brief survey of the selected topic and the presentation of an exemplary case. The analysis of a particular text provides an introduction into the methods of philological work.
Individual work includes surveys of four periods of classical Greek literature, with examinations attached to the regular exams; the order of the four periods is free, provided that all of them are assessed by the end of fourth semester:

- preclassical period
- classical p.
- Hellenistic p.
- Roman age.

Main subjects:
epic poetry (Homer)
lyric poetry of preclassical period
Hellenistic literature
ancient novel and epistolography
Hellenistic Jewish and Christian literature

Seminary reading of texts from any period of ancient Greek literature. Introduction to philological methods, defining and solving interpretative issues