Archaeological Heritage Management

Archaeological Heritage Management

Study Cycle: 2

Lectures: 20

Seminars: 40

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 5

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Pirkovič Jelka, doc. dr. Vidrih Perko Verena, izr. prof. dr. Gaspari Andrej

Conservation part:
- Introduction to the archaeological heritage management – concepts and principles.
- Management - general points.
- Changes in the philosophy of archaeological conservation.
- Archaeological heritage and tourism.
- Management of archaeological sites.
- Analysing and evaluating archaeological heritage as a management tool.
- Archaeological sites management plan.
- Archaeological heritage interpretation as a management tool.
Analysis and evaluation of the archaeological heritage as a management tool.
- The management plan of the archaeological heritage.
- Interpretation of the archaeological heritage as a management tool.

Museological part:
The contents include the basics of museology (principles and history of museum operation, basics of musealisation processes and museum communication), museography (principles of heritage collecting, preserving, and storing), and basics of modern ecomuseum philosophy (cybernetic museum as a successful principle of heritage protection outside museums in their authenitc enviroment).
Semiotic importance of material culture in different musealisation contexts. Political role of heritage and processes of govermentalisation. Interpretation of the archaeological heritage, with special emphasis on musealisation of archaeological sites and their integration in the Ecomuseum.

Archaeological heritage protection is based on the new museology and derives from the recognition of heritage as a social value, as the foundation and manner of contemporary life where active and passive protection is incorporated into the way of life in modern society.
For this purpose the contents include the presentation of the modern method of museological exhibitions and museum events, and the study of an example of a conceptual design, musealization of an archaeological site with its surroundings.
Contents of the museological knowledge are directed towards the presentation of archaeological heritage and its social signification in the role of a strong historically-educational and culturally-identificational but also strongly economic factor.