Practical Training 1
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 2
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Habinc Mateja
A student may pass the practical training anytime during the academic year, but it is expectable to pass it during the summer break, when the demand for work in institutions is increased and when the majority of summer research camps are being organized.
The most frequent kinds of fieldwork practical training are:
- Fieldwork research; archive work; documentary practical training in various institutions, associations, societies, etc.; which, in their regular activities need knowledge and skills from the field of ethnology and cultural anthropology. In most cases it is practical training in museums, conservation and heritage institutions, and other cultural, educational and other non-profit institutions and non-governmental organizations, as well as economy establishments in general.
- Fieldwork research workshop (any kind of organized ethnographic fieldwork; summer trainings, summer schools and other kinds of organized project and voluntary work activities at home or abroad). Fieldwork projects and summer schools organized at the department as supplement to regular curricula may be recognized as working activities for practical training.
- Practical training related to project and research of the departmental staff, which cannot be provided within foreseen regular teaching hours and lectures, seminars and practical classes, and are confirmed by the head of the department, are organized as additional workload.