Music Theory 1A
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Bogunović Hočevar Katarina, prof. Vrhunc Larisa
Through an analysis of selected musical works, the lectures consist of:
• analysing and refreshing the definitions of concepts and methods of form and harmony;
• analysing the connections and co-dependence of musical components and formal structure;
• learning about different compositional approaches and styles in the period up to around 1900;
• learning about the main form related topics:
o formal elements
o song form
Seminary is dedicated to ear training. Main topics are:
• Rhythm and metre, simple rhythms.
• Pitches (major in minor scales, leading-tone, intervals in a melodic and harmonic context, lower voice, chromatic scale, sequences, pentatonic scale, other scale types).
• Textures with multiple voices (types of textures, cadences, modulations).
• Recognising style characteristic, forms and other musical parameters in works from various periods by ear.
Tutorial is dedicated to refreshing and deepening the knowledge about music theory disciplines (harmony, form) and elements based on actual examples. It covers the following main topics:
• basic music theory;
• four-voice harmony;
• introduction to scales;
• harmony in the period of vocal polyphony in 15th and 16th century;
• functional harmony of the 18th century;
• harmonically foreign tones;
• cadence;
• sequence;
• expansion of the field of cadence with side branches;
• turn towards classicism.
L. Vrhunc, Glasbeni stavek: Oblikoslovje, Ljubljana 2009, 22010, 32011, 42016. COBISS.SI-ID - 286379008
D. De la Motte, Nauk o harmoniji, Ljubljana 2003. COBISS.SI-ID - 124977152
D. Despić, Harmonska analiza, Beograd 1970. COBISS.SI-ID - 1925890
U. Kaiser, Gehörbildung: Satzlehre, Improvisation, Höranalyse: ein Lehrgang mit historischen Beispielen, Kassel 1998. COBISS.SI-ID - 79229952