Practicum (andragogic)
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Košmerl Tadej, prof. dr. Govekar Okoliš Monika
- Learning about andragogy activities from a substantive, organizational and institutional aspects.
- Monitoring the andragogical work and appropriate communication of the mentor and other employees at the institution (taking into account andragogical principles, types, approaches, methods, conditions and techniques involved in working with adults and the conduct and evaluation of the education of or work with adults).
- Practical experience in planning, conducting and implementing adult education at the different institution.
- Learning about specific situations, different roles played by andragogues and other employees involved in adult education (leaders, planners, mentors, advisers,… and learning about adult education .
- Critical observation of the process of the education of and work with adults in the specific institution and the writing of a report on the completed practicum, which includes the description and evaluation of the activities in which the student has participated.
- The content of practicum and practicum to provide a more detailed schedule individual tasks form the student together with the mentors at the beginning of the practicum.
- Andragogical practicum takes on a selected institution working two weeks or 80 working hours.
- Konrad, E. (1999). Delovne kariere: izziv za izobraževanje. Sodobna pedagogika, Ljubljana, let. 50, št. 2, str. 80-91.ID=761348
- Jelenc, Z. (1991). Terminologija izobraževanja odraslih. Pedagoški inštitut pri Univerzi v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, str. 104.ID=24276736
- Novak, H. (1990). Projektno učno delo – drugačna pot do znanja. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, str. 229.ID=20809472
Priporočena literatura:
- Kristančič, A. (1995). Svetovanje in komunikacija. ACS, Ljubljana, str. 185.ID=45196288
- Trček, J. (1998). Medosebno komuniciranje – kontaktna kultura. Obzorja, Ljubljana, , str. 189.ID=72923648
- Brečko, D. (2003). Sklenimo posel z vladarji znanja: Učna pogodba. Gospodarski vestnik Izobraževanje, Ljubljana, str. 138.ID=124101888
- Revija Andragoška spoznanja in drugi viri vezani na vsebino posameznikove prakse.ID=45586176
- Jarvis, P. (1995). Adult and continuing Education. Theory and Practise. Routledge, New York, str. 302.ID=6457186