Preschool and Family Education II
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Hočevar Andreja, prof. dr. Kovač Šebart Mojca
Family as a factor of social reproduction
- The social history of families, changes in the structure of family, and changing modes of production in society
- Family as one of the institutions that reproduce inequalities in society
Pluralisation of family structures and education
- Social parenting, foster families, adoptive families, same-sex families, etc.
Policy – family – ECEC settings – child
- Historical overview of family policy models in welfare societies (corporatist, social democratic, and neoliberal)
- Family policy measures in Slovenia: the (un)relatedness of family policy measures to individuals’ decision to start a family, the birth rate, and the quality of family life
- Institutionally organised ECEC and its place in the context of family policies in welfare societies
- The structural situation of families in Slovenia, the social exclusion of families (poverty), and policy measures to improve the social situation of families and family members in Slovenia and the EU
- The rights of different individuals in the family and the protection of children’s best interests
Domestic violence
- Punishing and disciplining children through history
- Domestic violence as a structural problem (gender-based violence, violence as a result of structural power relations between family members, and institutional violence)
- A professional framework for ECEC educators to address domestic violence against children
Therapeutisation and medicalisation of family life
- The roles of professionals with different professional profiles in different models of family education/socialisation
- Social control over the family: helping the family or covertly controlling the privacy of family life
Comparative analyses and development of institutionally organised ECEC systems
- Their relation to the requirements for developing human capital
- Integration of the competence logic into ECEC programmes; ECEC at the service of labour market needs
- Quality assessment and assurance in ECEC settings: models of (self-)evaluation, formative assessment of children in ECEC settings, and monitoring of their outcomes
Children’s transition from ECEC settings to school
- Critical analysis of existing systemic solutions to school deferment and pedagogical guidelines for children’s transition from ECEC settings to school
Children and creativity
- The ECEC settings as places of learning that constitute the basis for creativity, the ECEC setting as a stimulating learning environment, the child at museums and galleries, and museum pedagogy.
- deMause, L. (1998). The History of Child Abuse. The Journal of Psychohistory, 25, št. 3. Dostopno na: https://psychohistory.com/articles/the-history-of-child-abuse/
- Hočevar, A., Kovač Šebart, M., Lukan, M. (2022). Predšolska vzgoja v Sloveniji in Srbiji: od optimalnega učenja, razvoja in dobrega počutja otrok k merjenju njihovih učnih dosežkov. Sodobna pedagogika, 73, št. 4, str. 26–49. Dostopno na: https://www.sodobna-pedagogika.net/clanki/04-2022_predsolska-vzgoja-v-s… in ID=761348
- Goody, J. (2003). Evropska družina: zgodovinskoantropološki esej. Ljubljana: Založba /*cf, 271 str. ID=126615040
- Leskošek, T. Kodele in N. Mešl (ur.). (2019). Zaščita otrok pred nasiljem in zanemarjanjem v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za socialno delo, 277 str. ID=97499137
- Marjanovič Umek, L. in Fekonja Peklaj, U. (2019). Zgodbe otrok: Razvoj in spodbujanje pripovedovanja. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, 132 str. ID=298288128
- Roberts-Holmes, G. in Moss, P. (2021). Neoliberalism and Early Childhood Education: Markets, Imaginaries and Governance. London: Routledge. ID=104079619
- Seider, R. (1998). Socialna zgodovina družine. Ljubljana: Studia Humanitatis, str. 233–281. ID=74776320
Relevant bibliography available in libraries and on the Internet – following the agreement at the start of the academic year.