Preliminarna analiza distribucije in funkcije označevanja spola v slovenščini: nominalizacijski vidik

Lingvistični krožek Janeza Orešnika vabi na 1254. sestanek, ki bo v ponedeljek, 24. februarja 2025, ob 18. uri v predavalnici 325 v 3. nadstropju Filozofske fakultete. Na temo Preliminarna analiza distribucije in funkcije označevanja spola v slovenščini: nominalizacijski vidik / A preliminary analysis of the Distribution and Function of Gender Marking in Slovene: A Nominalization Perspective bosta predavala prof. Prashant Pardeshi (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokio, Japonska) in prof. dr. Andrej Bekeš, zaslužni profesor (Oddelek za azijske študije, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani). Dogodek bo potekal v angleščini. 


Povzetek (v angleškem jeziku):

In Slovene, nominals are marked for gender, number and case. In this presentation, we will offer a description of the distribution of gender marking on the following 5 structures, all of which can modify a noun: numerals (NUM, three books), demonstratives (DEM, that book), genitive/possession (GEN, my book), adjectives (ADJ, expensive book), and so-called relative clauses, (V-based nominalization, the book which/that I bought yesterday), in their two usages: (A) NP-use: where these structures are used as heads of a NP, and (B) Modification-use: where these structures are used as modifiers of a noun. Further, following the nominalization theory proposed by Shibatani Masayoshi (2017, 2018, 2019, 2023), we will argue that these structures are classifying grammatical nominalizations, which nominalize the structures in question, and also classify them into three genders, viz. masculine, feminine and neuter in Slovene.

Izbrane reference:

  • Shibatani, Masayoshi. 2017. Nominalization. In Masayoshi Shibatani, Shigeru Miyaga, and Hisashi Noda (eds.). Handbook of Japanese Syntax. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 271-332. 
  • Shibatani, Masayoshi. 2018. Nominalization in Crosslinguistic Perspective. In Prashant Pardeshi and Taro Kageyama (eds.) Handbook of Japanese Contrastive Linguistics. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 345-410. 
  • Shibatani, Masayoshi. 2019. What Is Nominalization? Towards the Theoretical Foundations of Nominalization. In R. Zariquiey, M. Shibatani, and D.W. Fleck, (eds) Nominalization in languages of the Americas. 15–167. 
  • Shibatani, Masayoshi. 2023. Towards dynamic functional typology: Classifiers, genders, and nominalization. Historical Linguistics in Japan 12. 1–52


Department of Translation Studies, Department of Slovene Studies, Faculty of Arts

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