Gostovanje prof. dr. Prashanta Pardeshija z Nacionalnega inštituta za japonski jezik in jezikoslovje

Med 24. in 27. februarjem 2025 bo na Oddelku za azijske študije Filozofske fakultete gostoval prof. dr. Prashant Pardeshi z Nacionalnega inštituta za japonski jezik in jezikoslovje s tremi predavanji v angleščini.

V ponedeljek, 24. februarja 2025, bo od 18.00 do 19.30 v predavalnici 325 na 1254. sestanku Lingvističnega krožka Janeza Orešnika skupaj z zasl. prof. dr. Andrejem Bekešem predaval na temo Preliminarna analiza distribucije in funkcije označevanja slovničnega spola s perspektive nominalizacije / A preliminary analysis of the Distribution and Function of Gender Marking in Slovene: A Nominalization Perspective

Povzetek (v angleščini):

In Slovene, nominals are marked for gender, number and case. In this presentation, we will offer a description of the distribution of gender marking on the following 5 structures, all of which can modify a noun: numerals (NUM, three books), demonstratives (DEM, that book), genitive/possession (GEN, my book), adjectives (ADJ, expensive book), and so-called relative clauses, (V-based nominalization, the book which/that I bought yesterday), in their two usages: (A) NP-use: where these structures are used as heads of a NP, and (B) Modification-use: where these structures are used as modifiers of a noun. Further, following the nominalization theory proposed by Shibatani Masayoshi (2017, 2018, 2019, 2023), we will argue that these structures are classifying grammatical nominalizations, which nominalize the structures in question, and also classify them into three genders, viz. masculine, feminine and neuter in Slovene.


V sredo, 26. februarja 2025, bo od 9.40 do 11.10 v predavalnici 4-rim. skupaj s prof. dr. Hidekijem Kishimoto (Univerza v Kobeju) predstavil gradnjo baze podatkov o rabi funkcijskih besed za učenje japonščine kot tujega jezika: Razvoj spletnih virov za poučevanje in učenje sklonskih členkov in slovničnih struktur bunkei v japonščini / Online resource development for teaching and learning case particles and bunkei in Japanese

Povzetek (v angleščini):

Case particles and the so-called bunkei (sentence patterns) in Japanese are the prominent difficult features to master for every learner of Japanese. For systematic learning of these, large scale databases including grammatical explanations and illustrative examples are necessary. At NINJAL, in the 学習者用「日本語機能語バンク」の構築 project (PI: Prashant Pardeshi), large scale databases to learn Japanese case particles and bunkei (sentence patterns) are being developed. In this talk we will report on the present state of their development and future plans for sharing them as open-access resources. 


V četrtek, 27. februarja 2025, bo od 9.40 do 11.10 v predavalnici 4 predstavil jezikovne vire: Veliki spletni viri za učenje, poučevanje in analizo japonščine: kratek uvod v nekatere vire na Nacionalnem inštitutu za japonski jezik in jezikoslovje / Large-scale online resources for learning, teaching and analyzing Japanese language: A brief introduction to a few developed at NINJAL.

Povzetek (v angleščini): 

At the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL), various databases/online resources are developed and disseminated for facilitating teaching, learning, and research on Japanese language. In this talk I will introduce a couple of them in the development of which I am involved. Concretely speaking, I will introduce the following open-access resources which are available on the web for free:




https://nlb.ninjal.ac.jp/(NINJAL-LWP for BCCWJ)

https://watp.ninjal.ac.jp/ (WATP)

Some of the above-mentioned resources are also available from this site.



Department of Translation Studies, Department of Slovene Studies, Faculty of Arts

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