Britanska družba in kultura 2020/21

Dear students,

As you know, British Society and Culture is taught in two groups. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, each group can only accept 15 students if we are to hold classes at FF. There are currently 30 people enrolled in the course, so if there are any more enrolments in the coming days, at least one of the groups will be forced to go online. The final number will not be known before October 1, which is also when the final decision with regard to this shall be made. Those who have chosen the British Module will be informed about the in-class/online situation via VIS the same day.

This year I will therefore not be accepting "reservations" via e-mail and students will be asked to enrol as the e-classrooms open on October 3 at 9 a.m. We ask double-subject students to enrol on the hour (i.e. 9:00), while single-subject students should wait half an hour before signing up (i.e. 9.30). This is not a frivolous whim on the teachers' part but a necessary step in preventing the usual scheduling chaos, so we kindly ask for your cooperation. Single-subject students self-enrolled in the e-classroom before 9.30 will be "evicted" forthwith!

Wishing everyone a stress-free beginning of the academic year,

A. Šporčič

A. Šporčič


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