Oddelek za geografijo

Notice for International students at Department of Geography

If you are an international student successfully enrolled in one of the degree programmes (Bachelor or Master) at the University of Ljubljana for the first time, you are eligible to enrol free classes of Slovene language within Year Plus Module. Year Plus is designed to help international students to adapt to the Slovenian system and culture in their first year of study in Slovenia.

If you want to learn Slovene within your courses, you can also chose Slovenščina kot tuji jezik- lektorat 1 as you External elective subject.

You can find more information about Year plus model and application form on this two websites:

Year Plus

Application form



Oddelek za pedagogiko in andragogiko


Oddelek za pedagogiko in andragogiko

Študentsko delo

Oddelek za germanistiko z nederlandistiko in skandinavistiko

Žalna seja v počastitev spomina na prof. dr. Antona Janka

Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani

Vabilo na dogodek: “Ali je doktorjev znanosti res preveč? Pomen doktorata in vloga znanosti v družbi"

Oddelek za prevajalstvo

Srečanje s predsednico mednarodne zveze prevajalcev