Oddelek za slovenistiko
Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo
odpoved govorilnih ur pri prof. dr. Rajku Muršiču / Cancellation of office hours
Zaradi sodelovanja na intenzivnih programih v Maynoothu in Lizboni odpadejo govorilne ure pri prof. Muršiču v torek, 18. in 25. junija. Naslednje govorilne ure bo imel v torek, 2. julija. V vmesnem času in nato do 27. avgusta bo odgovarjal na elektronsko pošto.
Due to the participation at intensive programmes in Maynooth and Lisbon, office hours with prof. Muršič on Tuesdays, June 18 and 25, are cancelled. The next time he will be available in his office on July 2. In-between, he will try to reply to e-mail.